
Yarden As

[ y ah r Den ]

About me

I am a mechanical engineer who became a roboticist and now a researcher in machine learning (“AI”).

Academic I am currently a PhD student at the ETH AI Center and Learning and Adaptive Systems Group. My research focuses on sequential decision making under uncertainty and constraints. Specifically, I am trying to make safe reinformcement learning algorithms work reliably in practice. More broadly, I am also interested in uncertainty quantification, Bayesian Optimization and Active Learning. Before my PhD I earned my Master's degree in robotics from ETH Zürich. Prior to that, I graduated summa cum laude from the Technion.

Professional I co-founded Obol, a Fintech startup that helps finance teams manage their companies' cash flow. I contributed in growing Obol from a “three-dudes-and-a-laptop” company into a revenue making machine, leading all the technological activities of the company. My team was able to ship an enterprise-grade product under 6 months, while conforming to strict SOC2 standards. Before that I was a principal robotics engineer at Temi, overseeing multiple algorithmic projects, delivering these to a hardware product with ~thousands of units around the globe.

Personal I grew up in Haifa, got to live for a while in Tel-Aviv. I like climbing, slacklining, music, food and everything good in life.